The Arabic term for Friday, Jumma, is important in the Muslim community, making it a significant day. One way people express their heartfelt sentiments on this blessed day is through popular Jumma Mubarak quotes and wishes.
These words carry a profound message of prayers, gratitude, and unity among the Muslim community. Popular Jumma Mubarak quotes and wishes to hold a special place in people’s hearts as they provide a platform to express their faith, love, and good wishes for one another. These quotes are more than words; they carry the hopes and blessings of a tight-knit community united by their devotion to Islam. Through these quotes, Muslims share their hopes and wishes for their fellow believers’ happiness, success, and personal development.
This article will discuss some popular Jumma Mubarak quotes and wishes with which Muslims share their blessings.
Popular Jumma Mubarak Quotes & Wishes With Images
O Allah I call you to witness and you are the adequate witness and I call to witness every one of your holy messengers. the occupants of your sky. the bearers of your position of authority. that I give testimony you are Allah: There is no god however You. You Alone. – – Jumma Mubarak.
O Allah, teach me that which will benefit me and increase me in knowledge. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May God forgive us all our iniquities. From the small to big, from beginning to the end. May he forgive us and guide our ways unto the path of righteousness. May he lead us aright and bless our path. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Oh, Allah forgives us all our sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that appear and those that are hidden. Make us among the pious one and grant us the pleasure in this world and hereafter, – – Jumma Mubarak.
O You who believe! when the call is proclaimed for Jummah. – Jumma Mubarak.
Life is an adventure from Allah to Allah, so let us make it for Allah. The individuals who bow down to Allah, they can remain before anybody. – – Jumma Mubarak.
O Allah (SWT), Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May God assist us to get through a difficult day. may reduce all our problems and bless us in everything we do. May he accept our prayers and support us. May he guide us so that we can continue to do things according to his will. May he protect us from temptation and give us the ability to have self-control over things. – – Jumma Mubarak.
To Allah belong the unseen (secrets) of the heavens and the earth and to Him goeth back every affair (for decision): then worship Him, and put thy trust in Him: and thy Lord is not unmindful of aught that ye do. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Whoever read surah Al Kahf on the day of Jummah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the Next. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Keep in mind…everything a worker…Allah perseveres…each misfortune he encounters. Does Allah dependably have the reward for him? – – Jumma Mubarak.
O’ our Lord, bestow wisdom on us and join us with the righteous. Grant us an honorable mention in later generations. Place us among the inheritors of the Garden of Delight. Do not put us to shame on the Day when all shall be raised from the dead. – Jumma Mubarak.
We should be grateful for the blessings of God, and be thankful for the great things he has done for us. Happy Friday. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Allah! Control our Hearts while going astray, divert our thoughts from planning evils against others, assist us to defeat Satan, enrich us with iman, Health & Wealth, make us active in all aspects of Ibaadat (worship) and make our entire life beneficial to Islam & humanity. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Friday is near, Don’t worry dear, Clean clothes wear, Forget all the fear, Eyes shed the tear, Enjoy the new year. – – Jumma Mubarak.
The petition is an astonishing trade we hand over our stresses to Allah he hands over peace to us. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Ya Allah, we only obey you as your subjects and we only request help from you. Head us on the right path. Lead us to the path of those who you provided with blessings and not the path of those who have been punished and those who have steered away. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Let us remember to ask God for forgiveness today. Let remember to ask for mercy and grace to walk in the light. To live with him and in him. Let us beg for happiness and joy all years round this Jumma. Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May Almighty Allah grant you peace, stability, prosperity, goodness, love, kindness and peace of mind. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Do not close the door of life in another opens, but the grace of God. – – Jumma Mubarak.
whoever hears the call to Friday supplication and he doesn’t come, and he heart it again and does not come, and he hears it again and does not come, at that point, Allah will put a seal over his heart and give him the core of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Dear Almighty, This lead us to the Right Path. – – Jumma Mubarak.
When you find yourself in the position to render help. Do not hesitate to do that because God loves a believer that helps. You are bringing the grace of God into your life by helping another. It is the grace of God we need in this trying times. Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May Almighty Allah bless you, with whatever you know is the best for you. Watch over your family and keep them safe forever. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Thank you, Allah, for this blessed Friday. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May this honorable day brings a great deal of satisfaction and favor every one of us with his endowments. Have a pleasant and Blessed Friday. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May Allah (SWT) grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path and who take every breath and the last with the word of testimony. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Good things and good things alone shall Allah provide unto you. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Allah’s divine helps a person break all barriers and achieve that height which earlier seemed impossible to overcome. He will see you through. – Jumma Mubarak.
Paradise belongs to the Almighty ALLAH. He always decides who is allowed to enter. It’s me or you. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Is petition an astounding trade? We hand over our stresses 2 Allah? and He hands over peace 2 us..!!! ???? – – Jumma Mubarak.
May the Almighty Lord never spare us a second from the abundance of the word of testimony. May He grant us to be among those who lead a life in His path and who take every breath and the last with the word of testimony. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Old things shall pass away and new things shall come your way. May Allah continually do new things in your life. – – Jumma Mubarak.
May Al-Rahman ease your affairs, may Al-Raheem soften your burden today and beyond. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Jis ka rabta ALLAH k sath ho wo nakam nahin hota, Nakaam wo hota hai jis ki umidain duniya walon se wabista hon. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Jumma Mubarak signifies ‘favored Friday’ and Friday is viewed as a favored day for Muslims. On this day, Muslims have a congregational petition, as well as tune in to an address and make exceptional supplications to get the most out of Allah’s gifts. – – Jumma Mubarak..
For the gift of life and all the good things you’ve enjoyed in life, remember to give thanks to Allah. He shall keep you in good health now and forever. – Jumma Mubarak.
May Almighty Allah bless you, protects you, guides you, guard you, be with you, stand for you, comfort you, fight for you and may He never forsake you. – Jumma Mubarak.
Come to Masjid ahead of schedule for the Jumma (Friday) supplication and win the reward of as much as offering a camel. – – Jumma Mubarak.
A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim. He does not betray him, he does not lie to him, and nor does he fail him in times of difficulty. – Jumma Mubarak.
You shall be ceaselessly comforted and protected Insha Allah. – Jumma Mubarak.
May ALLAH (SWT) substitute our lacks with a surplus, our sadness with happiness, our fears with security, accept our act of worship and grant us Aljanna Firdausi. – Jumma Mubarak.
Salam! Jumma Mubarak!! Apse request hai ke Jumma ki namaz main Allah se dua mangain ke Allah hame Salab aur Dengue jaisi afton se nijaat ata farmaye, Aur hamari un galtiyon ko Muaf kar de, jinki waja se ham per ye Azab nazal ho raha hai. – Jumma Mubarak.
May Allah shower his innumerable favors on you and your family on this heavenly day- Jumma Mubarak.
Allah (SWT) is the One who favors us each drop of the water we drink and each bite of the food we eat. Our task is to seek halal sustenance. It is not to forget that each blessing, each opportunity is entrusted to us by our Lord. It is to be able to see both wealth and poverty as a test. Just as our Prophet SAW said, it is to be grateful by saying: “All praise and thanks be to Allah in all circumstances. – Jumma Mubarak.
Wishing you all that you wish yourself. – – Jumma Mubarak.
Salaam Aleikum. May Allah (SWT) Light every path you follow, gives you the Wisdom & Guidance to every step you take, bless every decision you make, and make us excel in all aspect of life & grants you & Your family Al-Jannah Firdausi. – – Jumma Mubarak.
F R I D A Y: F = Farz Allah Ka Aada Karo R = Rab Ko Razi Karo I = Ibadat Dil Se Karo D = Durood Kasrat Se Parho A = Allah Se Maango Y = Yaad Rakho Mujhe DUA ME. – Jumma Mubarak.
Without Allah… There can be neither peace nor comfort. – Jumma Mubarak
Implore as though everything. relies upon ALLAH. what’s more, fill in like everything. relies upon u!! – Jumma Mubarak
Allah (SWT) is the healer of illnesses. He blesses the suffering with remedies. He is the help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless. Our task is to never give the opportunity to those who want to exploit our beliefs, our sincerity, our feelings through our hardships and despair. It is to take refuge only in our Lord’s mercy. It is to place our trust in Him only. It is to endure illness and calamity with patience, fortitude and submission; knowing that they are trials for us. – Jumma Mubarak
May you have a blessed day by the grace of Allah. – Jumma Mubarak
May Almighty Allah make you a shining example of a true Muslim and an inspiration to other Muslims for emulation. Ameen Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah (SWT) is the sole owner of life and death. He is the One who gives life, and who is going to take it when the time comes. Our Lord is going to revive us after we die. He is going to question us for our actions. He is going to give everyone what they exactly deserve. Our task is to stay true to our faith to the very last breath. It is to make our life blessed with righteous deeds. It is to be ready for death and the day of judgment at all times. – Jumma Mubarak
Theirs is that which they earned, and yours is that which you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do Jumma Mubarak! – Jumma Mubarak
May our Lord let our hearts, psyches, and bodies grasp the mosques. May our Lord never deny us of the adhans, as their seeing is the establishment of religion. – Jumma Mubarak
Happiness, Prayers, Respect, and Love, All of those come on Friday, I request you to remember me in your Prayers. – Jumma Mubarak
Spread love and peace around you today because Friday is for peace, and with peace comes blessings. – Jumma Mubarak
Eat together and not separately, for the blessings is associated with the company. – Jumma Mubarak
Never upset in any situation. Always be “UP” & “SET” and see how your life will be settled automatically” Keep Faith in “ALLAH. – Jumma Mubarak
I feel awful for Friday. It is the one day that I am so glad to see, yet the main day that needs to see me invest the majority of my energy on Monday through Thursday while never passing judgment on me. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah the Exalted enjoins: “O you who believe! Fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow. – Jumma Mubarak
Learn to ask, because Allah said if you knock he shall open the door for you. – Jumma Mubarak
If you will carry on the ways guided by humans, you will find a hopeless end. But if you will carry on d way guided by Allah, you will find an endless hope. – Jumma Mubarak
Muslims offer Juma prayer on Friday. All the prayers of that day should be accepted and appreciated because of the unity of all the Muslims in one mosque. Allah blesses us all. – Jumma Mubarak
May God pardon every one of us our evildoings. From the little to enormous, from the earliest starting point to the end. May he pardon us and guide our ways unto the way of exemplary nature. May he lead us aright and favor our way. – Jumma Mubarak
Remember everything a servant of Allah endures every loss he experiences, Allah always has a reward for him. – Jumma Mubarak
I pray our sins and transgressions are forgiven today, and Allah gives victory over mosquitoes. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah will not be tired of giving you the best. May the best of every good thing in life comes your way. – Jumma Mubarak
My dear, do you realize that? The individual who passes up a great opportunity three Jumu’ah’s with no legitimate reason, Allah Ta’ala puts a seal over his heart. I wish that never transpires. May Allah blessed you. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah (SWT) knows what your silent heart wants, even if you don’t include it in your prayers. He hears what your heart whispers. He may not give it to you now but someday, when you least expect it, things will happen in the best possible way. – Jumma Mubarak
Today, you shall learn new things from Allah that will increase you in knowledge. – Jumma Mubarak
A paradise is a place where all true believers aspire to have as a final abode. May Allah (SWT) make it a final home for us & our entire good friends and family members. – Jumma Mubarak
Distinguished guests from your heart. – Jumma Mubarak
Will Allah acknowledge ur, Dua? Keep your confidence. what’s more, don’t despair..!! – Jumma Mubarak
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean itself does not become dirty. – Jumma Mubarak
Today, may you have an outpouring of wisdom and understanding forever. Insha Allah. – Jumma Mubarak
Salaam alaikum. Leave everything of your affairs for Allah, but never leave Allah for anything. – Jumma Mubarak
Properly, Acts Fearlessly, Works Patiently, Behaves Decently, Learns Practically, Plans Orderly, Sacrifices and Cares for people regularly… – Jumma Mubarak
Today is Friday. To all brethren in the confidence of Abraham, ghusl is prescribed, recount Surah Kahf, go to the mosque early, keep quiet over the span of the khutbah, supplicate more after petition. May the most elevated acknowledge your ibadah. Numerous glad returns of Jumma. – Jumma Mubarak
Pray to Allah (SWT) sincerely believing it will be answered. Allah (SWT) does not respond to prayers from a frivolous and indifferent heart. – Jumma Mubarak
May this Jummah bestow and lock the teachings of Islam unto your heart, and protect you from the calamities of the world. – Jumma Mubarak
In life, everything will one day leave you but Allah will always be there for you. – Jumma Mubarak
I Don’t Care About Character Here On Earth I Don’t Care About What Other People Thin Or Say About Me All I Care About Is My Standing Before The ALMIGHTY ALLAH Jumma Mubarak! – Jumma Mubarak
Friday Means Peace Of Mind, Long Sleep, All Day Naps, Some Good Food And A Joyous Weekend Ahead. – Jumma Mubarak
Friday – The day when angels are standing at the doors of the masjid, to record who comes first for prayers. O’ blessed soul will you let them record their name? | Umm Umar Khaled – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah give you many reasons to smile this Jummah. Don’t forget to also put a smile on the faces of others. – Jumma Mubarak
A day of Allah’s favor is greater than a thousand years of human labor, may you find Allah’s favor beyond your expectations and imagination, today, and the rest of your life. – Jumma Mubarak
Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best. You never know what God has in store for you. Keep praying, you never know where God will lead you! – Jumma Mubarak
May God help us to get past a troublesome day. may lessen every one of our issues and favor us in all that we do. May he acknowledge our petitions and bolster us. May he direct us so we can keep on doing things as indicated by his will. May he shields us from allurement and enable us to have discretion over things. – Jumma Mubarak
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “When Friday comes, at every door of the Masjid there stand Angels who write down (the names of) those who come first, then who comes next. When the Imam sits down, the records are closed and they come to listen to the reminder (khutbah). – Jumma Mubarak
O Allah, give us your good in this world and your good in the hereafter… – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah make u greater than who u are, show u more ways than u know, uphold u stronger than u stand, make ur future higher than today, your wishes be granted, your kindness is limitless, your mistakes be forgiven. May He Protect u & ur family. Ameen. – Jumma Mubarak
Prayer is a perfume to your soul and a fragrance that pleases God,Wear your prayer every day and let it fresh in’ you anytime and anywhere you go. – Jumma Mubarak
Friday is the adjusting of the week, Ramadan is the adjusting of the year and Hajj is the adjusting of the life. – imam ibn Al-Qayyim – Jumma Mubarak
Come to Masjid Early for the Jumu’ah (Friday) Prayer and Earn Bonus Reward of as much as Offering a Camel | Sahih Al-Bukhari: 929 – Jumma Mubarak
May all the blessings of the Qur’an be granted unto you now and forever Insha Allah. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah never reveals the source of the rain, the sun and the sand. May Allah guide your ways and protect you from all evils. Amin. – Jumma Mubarak
Sometimes become overwhelmed by grief to. – Jumma Mubarak
We ought to be appreciative of the favors of God and be grateful for the immense things he has improved the situation of us. – Jumma Mubarak
Today is a new day. Begin it with Bismillah & end it with Alhamdullilah. – Jumma Mubarak
May you glow so bright today that everyone shall see you and marvel. – Jumma Mubarak
May the blessings and favors of Allah locate you and your household today. May Allah accept your Ibadah and forgive your shortcomings. – Jumma Mubarak
May This Jummah Lighten Your Life With Teachings Of Islam and Protect You From Calamity Have a Blessed Friday. – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah demonstrate to us the way of his dearest individuals whom he has excused and shielded us from doing the awful deeds on which may make us tie in his torment. – Jumma Mubarak
Ya Allah, give me eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worse, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith. – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah reward you abundantly. – Jumma Mubarak
Thank you, Allah, for this blessed Friday. Wish you more on earth in good health and abundant mercy. – Jumma Mubarak
Pray for Others, Don’t be selfish & just pray for yourself. Want for others what you want for yourself. Feel your heart grow with love. – Jumma Mubarak
O Allah, pardon me every one of my wrongdoings extraordinary and little, the first and the last those that are evident and those that are covered up. – Jumma Mubarak
Alhamdullilah. Dhikr. For we have reached another blessed Jummah.. – Jumma Mubarak
With Allah, nothing is impossible. Success is yours now and forever. – Jumma Mubarak
Alif Lam Min’ nobody knows it meaning except Almighty Allah, may the sources of your happiness be a mystery to the world. – Jumma Mubarak
When All Things Went Dark, And You Search For A Light To See Things Clearly, Then Hidaya Is The Light Waiting For You. Don’t Wait For It But Start Your Search For It From Now. – Jumma Mubarak
you realize that life is great when you get the chance to take a seat on a Friday and drink wine while overlooking the greater part of the difficulties of life. – Jumma Mubarak
Alhamdullilah for everything I have and for everything I’ve been blessed with. – Jumma Mubarak
Give your worries and burdens to Allah and he shall ease them. May Allah replace every darkness in your life with his light. – Jumma Mubarak
May the numbers of ‘AMINS’ say in the whole world on Friday, May it aligns with your silent prayers in the presence of Allah. – Jumma Mubarak
Juma Is A Wonderful DAY 2Pray 2Love 2 Care 2 Smile 2 Relax And 2 Thank Allah 4all He Gives To Us. – Jumma Mubarak
Give us a chance to make sure to approach God for pardoning today. Let make sure to request leniency and beauty to stroll in the light. To live with him and in him. Give us a chance to ask for joy and euphoria throughout the entire years this Jumma. – Jumma Mubarak
Assalam walaikum everyone, Jumma Mubarak. Don’t forget me in your prayers, May Allah SWT bless you all. – Jumma Mubarak
Wishing you many happy returns of the day. May you never lack in life. – Jumma Mubarak
Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way. Ameen -– Jumma Mubarak
Grant Your mercy upon our martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the survival and peace of our nation and country! -– Jumma Mubarak
Have confidence that your supplications are never squandered. You never know when, where, or how Allah will reply, however, know for beyond any doubt that He will! -– Jumma Mubarak
It’s Friday again! All praise is due to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. -– Jumma Mubarak
All that is broken in you shall be mended. You shall have peace and steadily progress day by day. -– Jumma Mubarak
Allah’s guidance on Hashabu Kaf (People of the Cave) to sustain their faith, His mysterious guidance to make them live for centuries, May He guide you while going astray, May He guard when the world is against you. Juma’at Ramah. -– Jumma Mubarak
Avoid cursing you or your children – it may be only in Dua’s moment, and can give your curse and accept. -– Jumma Mubarak
Dear companion, I wish you Jumma Mubarak and ensure that you spend this transcendent day by indicating the appreciation and in Allah’s love. -– Jumma Mubarak
Prayer is an amazing exchange. You hand over your worries to Allah and Allah’s hands over His Blessings to you. – Jumma Mubarak
May the blessings of Allah fill your household, and happiness shall continually be your portion. – Jumma Mubarak
Invoke in Allah or invoke in the Most Gracious (Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him (it is the same), for to Him belong the best name. Allah’s blessing will visit you. – Jumma Mubarak
As Friday Shines In The Heart of Muslims, May You Be Among The Ones Who Will Receive The Peace And Blessings of Friday Prayers … !!! – Jumma Mubarak
At the point when our feelings are permitted to surpass our judgment, we do and say things we lament. Subhan Allah.
Those who bow down to Allah, they can stand infront of anyone. – Jumma Mubarak
With Allah by your side, you can overcome any and every obstacle. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah will dignify, simplify, glorify, qualify, quantify, fortify, amplify, purify and justify you and your loved ones. – Jumma Mubarak
Avoidant who in their prayers. – Jumma Mubarak
Never underestimate Friday. Friday is the day that enables you to relax around in your boxers throughout the entire end of the week. – Jumma Mubarak
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday | Sahih Muslim: 864 – Jumma Mubarak
From henceforth, Allah shall turn all your nothing into everything. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah says, ”when you call on Me, I will answer you,” may Allah answer our prayers when we least expect. – Jumma Mubarak
Whenever you have a burden on you and If the road is uphill then don’t Despair… Cause the view from the top is breathtaking and Allah is always with you. Always Follow Your Heart. – Jumma Mubarak
The sweetness of life is in great deeds and recalling Allah is the best deed. This is the best approach to remain favored. – Jumma Mubarak
I have seen my dua’s being answered within minutes. I have seen my dua’s being answered long after I have forgotten about it. Whatever it is, I shall not give up making dua; for dua is the believer’s weapon. – Jumma Mubarak
Find mercy from no one else other than Allah, and unlimited mercies shall be your portion. . – Jumma Mubarak
You shall greatly increase on every side this month. Happy Friday to you. – Jumma Mubarak
The Most Sacred Day.With Countless Blessings. And Mercies of Allah. – Jumma Mubarak
Being a Muslim is something beyond heading off to the masjid, Allah needs your Attention not only your Attendance. – Jumma Mubarak
When two people meet each other, who should greet with peace first? The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: The one closest to Allah (SWT) will greet first | SUNAN AT-TIRMIDHI 2694- – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah bless you with what you prayed for, and reward you with what you worked for. You are blessed. – Jumma Mubarak
I pray you shall experience peace, prosperity, and visible progress on every side. – Jumma Mubarak
O, Lord! Make the Ummah of Islam glorious again! – Jumma Mubarak
For the endowment of life and all the good things you’ve appreciated throughout everyday life, make sure to express appreciation to Allah. He will keep you healthy now and until the end of time. – Jumma Mubarak
Whenever you are in a position to help someone. Just do it and be glad because God is answering someone’s prayers through you! – Jumma Mubarak
Allah shall grant you all your wishes, and give you even better things than you asked for. – Jumma Mubarak
Every step you take today shall lead you to unspeakable testimonies, In Sha Allah. Amin. – Jumma Mubarak
Satan Loves a sad person Don’t let him mess with your mind. – Jumma Mubarak
May your light sparkle so brilliant today, and may you utilize this Jummah to affect somebody’s life. – Jumma Mubarak
The best gift you can give someone is dua. – Jumma Mubarak
You shall not struggle for anything. Anything and everything that is supposed to be yours shall freely come your way, Insha Allah – Jumma Mubarak
Like never before, your efforts shall attract envious results, even as you begin a new day. Ameen. – Jumma Mubarak
Do not think small or smaller than their sins, but considering the size and magnitude of the one who is about to disobey. – Jumma Mubarak
O, Lord! Make the Ummah of Islam brilliant once more! Concede Your leniency upon our saints who have yielded their lives for the survival and tranquility of our country and nation! Give tolerance to their relatives and our country! Give us to be among the individuals who grasp and safeguard the respectable qualities the saints have kicked the bucket for. – Jumma Mubarak
May Allah (SWT) shower His countless blessings on you and your family and This Holy Day. – Jumma Mubarak
Today is Friday, to all faithful my prayer is that Allah shall heed your supplications. Many happy returns of Jummah. – Jumma Mubarak
As we watch the day unfolds and nobody is able to stop it, so shall your hopes, dreams, and aspirations be unstoppable this Friday and beyond. Ameen. – Jumma Mubarak
Be Happy, Not because everything is good, But because you can see the good side of Everything. – Jumma Mubarak
Friday is the season representing us. It is the snapshot of checking on our course and clearing ourselves from the transgressions that we purposely or unwittingly dedicated. Friday is only the opportune time for us to take asylum in Allah’s boundless kindness and sympathy realizing that the petitions would not be turned down. – Jumma Mubarak
Thank you, Allah, for this blessed Friday. – Jumma Mubarak
May the almighty Allah hold you in the palms of his hands and favor you richly and enormously. – Jumma Mubarak
Before the end of today, everything will turn around for your good. Watch it and believe it! In Sha Allah, Ameen. – Jumma Mubarak
Jumma Kareem is a great day in the history of Islam, and its great day for Muslims, Allah Pak made this day very special with Jumma Namaz. – Jumma Mubarak
No one feelings of dread lip service…To cite our Prophet, Friday is the greatest day on which the sun has risen. In this manner, Friday is one of the images of our Holy Religion of Islam. Friday is leniency. Friday is favoring.
There is an hour on Friday and if a Muslim gets it while offering Salat (prayer) and asks something from Allah (SWT), the Allah (SWT) will definitely meet his demand. | Sahih Bukhari 955
Love, joy, peace, happiness, and hope are my wishes for you today and forever. – Jumma Mubarak
Almighty Allah will permanently bless you and today and forever. Have a blessed Friday. It’s the best of abundance. Juma’at Kareem Ahky. – Jumma Mubarak
Never say there’s nothing stunning within the world anyone there’s continually one thing to form you marvel within the form of a tree, the trembling of a leaf. – Jumma Mubarak
As long as you are standing give a hand to those who have fallen. – Jumma Mubarak
Humble yourself before Allah, and sit back and let him work out miraculous things in your life. – Jumma Mubarak
May you find a way where none exist, May you be blessed when you least expect may Allah’s Barakah fill your home, today and beyond. – Jumma Mubarak
Prayer changes things. Worry changes nothing. – Jumma Mubarak
Whoever beautifies himself on the inside, Allah will beautify him on the outside | Ali ibn Abi Talib
May Allah sufficiently provide all your needs efficiently, and adequately heed to your desires. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah makes a night out of the day and makes a day out of the night, brings out the dead from a living and brings out the living from a dead. He gives wealth to whom He desires without an account, May you and your family be favored. Ameen. – Jumma Mubarak
Whoever Reads Surah-Al Kahf On Jumma, Allah Promises He Would Have Light In His Life That Shines From One Friday To Next. I Wish You Too Have The Same With Blessings Through Out The Week. – Jumma Mubarak
When a person dies, his all acts return to associate finish except three: Ongoing charity, data (by which individuals benefit), and a pious son or female offspring United Nations agency prays for him (after he’s deceased). – Jumma Mubarak
Salam Jumaat. May Allah (SWT) Bless Your Day.
Use this Jumat to place your future in the guiding hands of Allah, and you shall find goodness in everything you do. – Jumma Mubarak
Accelerated grace shall locate you and irreversible greatness shall be your daily experience today. May Almighty Allah bless you and your family today and forever. – Jumma Mubarak
Grant patience to their relatives and our nation! – Jumma Mubarak
Happiness, Prayers, Respects, and Love, All of these return on a Fri, I request you to recollect Pine Tree State in your Prayer. – Jumma Mubarak
I come against all barriers eluding you from success today. Multiple blessings shall come into your life and last forever. – Jumma Mubarak
Allah (SWT) restored Ayub’s health, He delivered Yunus from the shirk, He rescued Noah and his followers from the water, He defended Ibrahim from the mighty fire of Nomurud, He saved Yusuph (ASW) from the shallow of death, may He save you from your enemy, calamity, sickness, death, sadness, grief and sorrow. – Jumma Mubarak
Prayer is a Free Outgoing Call to GOD, No network or Battery problem, Always good Signal & all messages sent. Make prayer a habit and remember me in your prayer. Jumma Mubarak Have A Nice Day. – Jumma Mubarak
Let us pursue good and nice things that will help us get close to Him, not negative things that will drag us away from the lord. Jummah Mubarak!
The believers are people who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel the concern in their hearts and when His verses are recited you to them, they increase their religion, and that they place their trust in their Lord.” [8:2]. The question is are you one amongst them? – Jumma Mubarak
Place your trust in Allah alone, and he shall right all your wrongs. – Jumma Mubarak
And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in penalty… Have a blessed Jumma Mubarak!
Oh, Allah Forgive Me, My Parents And All The believers On The Day On Which The Reckoning Will Be Established!
This is a day of ‘Eid that Allah has ordained for the Muslims, so whoever comes to Jumu‘ah, let him do ghusl, and if he has any perfume let him put some on, and you should use the miswaak. – Ibn Maajah
Do not grieve, Allah is with us. – Jummah Mubarak.
There is none who testifies sincerely that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is his Apostle, except that Allah, will save him from the Hell-fire … Jummah Mubarak!
Whoever Recite Surah Al Kahaf on a Friday, light Will Extend From His Feet To The Heights Of the Heaven On The Day Of Judgment.
Jumma Mubarak means ‘blessed Friday’ and Friday is considered a blessed day for Muslims. On this day, Muslims not only have a congregational prayer, but they also listen to a lecture and make special prayers to get the most out of Allah’s blessings.
O Allah, forgive me all my sins, great and small, the first and the last, those that are apparent and those that are hidden. – Jummah Mubarak.
Allah does not love those who spoil and make trouble. Then, we must altogether protect our peace, our unity and togetherness, our brotherhood and relationship. Juma Kareem !….
And The Beauties Of Islam, Is That we can make Dua For Others, Without Them Knowing. And In Return The Angels Make Dua For You. – Jumma Mubarak
Help me, i pray to get through this day. As this day is the master of all days I don’t even ask to have things my way, your will is okay. Things done in your way are best suited to stay in the master plan, help me to help in any way that I can don’t let me be part of the problems I see, i just want to come and bow in front of you at least this day help me to come every day Amen. Very grateful for the many blessings the Lord has given me. I love you lord. Happy Friday.
Friday shines in the hearts of Muslims you are among those who will receive blessings and peace of Friday prayers. Happy Friday.
Agr koi Tum se Bhalai ki Umid rkhy to Usay mayus mat kro kuke Logon ki Zrurton ka tum se wabsta hona Tum pr Allah ka khas karam hai. – JUMMA MUBARAK
And Seek Help in patience And Prayers – Jumma Mubarak
When our emotions are allowed to overtake our intellect, we do and say things we regret. Subhan Allah – Jumma Mubarak!
Everyone has blessed on Friday full of joy, happiness and above all, God bless (Subhanahu Wata Ala) mercy.
O, Allah! Grant us to be among those who keep alive the high spirit of our martyrs! Grant us to protect their glorious legacy! Grant us to preserve and embrace the values they died for! Save us from betraying those values, o Allah! – Jumma Mubarak!
May Allah Cleans our Hearts from Hypocrisy and grants us Sincerity in Everything That We Say And Do…..Ameen!
Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid, Allah wants your Attention not just your Attendance. Have a blessed – Jumma Mubarak.
Our Lord! let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after you have guided us, and grant us mercy from you. surely, you are the one who bestows in abundance. – Jummah Mubarak.
And remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace you became brethren and you were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. – Jumma Mubarak
And Hold Firmly To the Rope Of Allah All Together and do not become divided. – Jumma Mubarak
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions, establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. – Jumma Mubarak!
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the life of here after, he will be one of the losers. – Jummah Mubarak.
May the Almighty Lord grant us to spend the rest of our life in a better and more blessed way than the past. May He prevent us from leading a life that we cannot account for… Jumma Mubarak!
O You Have to Believe! When Tha Call is Proclaimed For The Salat On The Day Of Friday (Jumma Prayer), Come To The Remembrance Of Allah.
Friday is the time of accounting for us. It is the moment of reviewing our course and clearing ourselves from the sins that we knowingly or unknowingly committed. Friday is just the right time for us to take refuge in Allah’s limitless mercy and compassion knowing that the prayers would not be turned down. –
Jumma Mubarak!
As dews drop on grasses without apology, so shall Allah’s Blessing shower upon your home without seeking permission now and till eternity.
Gratitude is seeking refuge in Allah’s mercy from his wrath, keeping this verse in mind: And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: If you give thanks, I will give you more, but if you are thankless, verily! My punishment is indeed severe. – Jumma Mubarak!
Even if they place the Sun in my right hand and the Moon in my left hand, I will never give up this cause. Either Allah makes His religion triumph or I die for it. – Jumma Mubarak!
Alhamdulillah For We Have Reached Another Blessed Jumu’ah. – Jumma Mubarak!
Jummah May our deeds attract Allah’s love. Noor & Barakah so that our lives may be filled with peace. happiness & freedom from any calamity.
O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu’ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you if you only knew.
Kaafir To Tarasta Hai Tehwaaron Ko Ay Musalman,, Tu To Qismat Wala Hai Jo Her Hafty EID Manata Hai..! – Jumma Mubarak..
Whoever Neglect 3 jummah, Allah Will Place a seal On His Heart.
The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy. – Jummah Mubarak.
When u face problems in life, don’t ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose, Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.
Never Give Up Making Dua To Allah. It may Not happen Now, it may not Happen Next month, But It Will happen When Allah knows Is Best For You
When the time comes to pray Jummah to stop all activities and answer the call to prayer, to fulfill seriously, and prayer, and consultation and learning through social contact and when the prayer is done sprinkle for your professional.
A Companion once asked God’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) to talk about himself. He said: “I am the one for whose coming Abraham prayed and of whom Jesus gave glad tidings. – Jumma Mubarak
He showed us the way I’ve always had and even now, in his name shines in our hearts desires on Friday. – Jumma Mubarak
None of you has faith unless I am dearer to him than his father and his son and all mankind.” (Bukhari) – Jumma Mubarak
If you are on the right path to god, if it is difficult for you, then run. If you get tired then walk slowly. If you can’t then crawl. But do not ever come back or stop. – Jumma Mubarak
Thus the Muslims have three Eids: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which come once every year, and Jumu‘ah which is repeated once every week.
Leave the morning make me a word of mercy, because I put my faith in you. Display me the mode, where I would enthusiasm for you to lift up my soul. – Jumma Mubarak
In a world where distance can separate loved ones, these quotes bridge the gap by conveying sentiments of unity and harmony. They serve as an update of the significance of interfacing on a more profound level and looking for Allah’s favors as a collective entire.
So, whether traded individually, through messages, or shared on social media, these Jumma Mubarak quotes are crucial in cultivating a sense of having a place and fellowship among Muslims worldwide.