Best Good Night Quotes can soothe minds and hearts, resonating with love and care. People cherish these quotes to create a sense of closeness and comfort. With simple yet profound words, these Best Good Night Quotes transcend physical distance and bridge emotional gaps. They serve as a nightly reminder that someone cares deeply, helping individuals unwind and drift into a peaceful slumber.
These messages are a gesture of affection, crafting a serene atmosphere in which worries fade, and sweet dreams emerge. Through these heartfelt sayings, people weave connections and express sentiments that nurture bonds, even as the night envelopes the world.
Best Good Night Quotes
You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.
The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep. – E. Joseph Cossman
There’s nobody I’d rather go to sleep with.
In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but rest assured for I will dream of you till we meet again. Goodnight, my darling.
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. – Vince Lombardi
Have faith as tomorrow will be a new day, A new way when you can have your say, Give in to the night and sleep well, All your tensions and stress will dwell, Good night and sleep tight!
Close your eyes think something beautiful and good night.
I know it’s not true, but my heart still believes that the moon shines for just me and U. Good night.
I long for the first night we will spend together. I hope you think about us as much as I do. Always keep in mind that I love you till the end of time. Sleep well, dear one.
As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today. – Roald Dahl
Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Goodnight. – Anonymous
Sweet dreams to the man of my dreams. It’s time for sleep Let’s go to sleep.
This is the end of the day, but soon there will be a new day. – Bernard Williams
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight. – Andy Warhol
As each night comes and go, I’m always counting down to the day that I can finally call you mine with full assurance. Good night my queen.
Make your Night as Special as your Morning, because it gives you Direction for Next Day.
Good night sleep tight until tomorrow when I will see you again, I miss your touch I miss your kiss, I miss every part of your body my sweetie pie. Good night.
Before you try and go to sleep, I just want to say that I am thankful for today.
I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ~Harry Dean Stanton
I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight – What may not bless my waking eyes. – Anne Brontë
You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting. – James V. Hart
Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Do not go gentle into that good night. –Dylan Thomas
Another chapter closes, another day ends. You have done a good job today. Leave your troubles behind and let the joys of today be forever printed in the pages of your history. Tomorrow is a fresh chance to write on a new page. Lovely night and sweet dreams, darling.
Night is the wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to smile, to get ready for all the battles that you have to fight tomorrow. – Allen Ginsberg
Every day I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Can’t wait for the morning. Good night baby.
I never imagined that someday I could fall asleep with a smile on my lips. Good night my dear!
I am not looking for perfection or an exemplary life, if we are together I am totally happy. Goodnight My Love!
All the stars in the sky have a history, but none are as bright as ours. Goodnight My Love!
All I do each day is wait to be with you again. My entire day revolves around the hope that I can spend my evenings in your arms again.
I am in my bed, you are in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.
I am falling asleep to our song and I wish you were here with me.
My idea of a good night out is staying in. – Martin Freeman
I know your life can go on without me, that you can be happy without me, that you can survive without me. But even if you turn me away, I will still stay with you and will always be your friend.
Darling, as you prepare for the night-long sleep, leave your troubles behind, let the dreams of the night fill your thoughts. Have a beautiful sleep. Goodnight my angel. Darling, as you prepare for the night-long sleep, leave your troubles behind, let the dreams of the night fill your thoughts. Have a beautiful sleep. Goodnight my angel.
There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!.
I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars. – Stephenie Meyer
During the morning you are my son, which shines my days with gorgeous rays and during the night you are my moon which bursts all my sorrows with its light. Good Night my love.
I’m chasing my dreams straight to the top into a sky that has no limits. – Peter Handke
Good night, and good luck. – Edward R. Murrow
Nighttime can seem longer than the day when you dream big dreams. Daytime lasts longer for people who make their dreams come true. – Unknown
May you dream of lovely things and to find them real.
I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out. – William H. McRaven
All these emojis and I still can’t express how I can’t wait to see you in the morning.
There are a lot of days which have passed and yet there are many to come. Among all those days I will not let this night go by without telling you that I love you and may all your dreams come true. Goodnight my love.
I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me. – Zane Grey
Good night – Meditate on your word of the Lord day and night. God bless and sweet dreams.
Don’t stay up all night worrying about what tomorrow may hold. Breathe, relax, pray, rest. You don’t have to fear- God’s got you covered.
Good night, to the guy who makes my days bright. Sweet dreams, to the guy whose love makes me burst out at the seams. Hugs and kisses, to the guy who makes my life seem like a bed of roses. I love you.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. – William Shakespeare
Wishing a Good night, to the guy who makes my days bright.
Let’s say goodbye And let’s go into the world of dreams.
The moon has scattered the moonlight, the stars have decorated the sky, to say good night to you, look, an angel has come from heaven… good night .. !!
Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night. – Napoleon Bonaparte
The moon embalms me with her love and she kisses me good night. The nightingale sings her song of love when I take rest in the arms of darkness in the night! – Avijeet Das
Every night I catch my sleep with the thought of you. I wonder how my life will be if you are not a part of it. I love you. Good night.
Stars only Shine in Darkness, So Don’t feel fear because of Darkness of Failures.
I am wishing the beautiful princess the world as ever produced, a wonderful night rest and a blissful and peaceful night my heart.
Every second I spent with you today is worth it. Good night.
Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.
It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright. – Stephen King
Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness. – Poppy Z. Brite
Goodnight. Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival. – Anthony T. Hincks
I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. – Vincent Van Gogh
Don’t forget to say your prayers tonight. Prayers are great for the mind to focus on while you’re falling asleep. Prayer quotes about a good night.
In your arms I feel the safest, your warmth I feel the happiest and in your love, I feel the truest. Sweet dreams, my love. Good night.
Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations. – Alan Watts
The Sun Has Sat Down And The Moon Appeared Spreading Its Glittering Dim Light All Over
The thought of being with you tomorrow is what helps me through today. Good night, my love!
Do not fear the loneliness of cold nights, because my love for you will warm your heart. Sweet dreams, honey!
One day, we will never have to say goodbye, only goodnight.
That’s the advantage of insomnia. People who go to early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done. – Banana Yoshimoto
My dear wife, every day every moment of my life. I want to spend in your arms with your moist kisses and tight hugs. good night my life
Night is longer than a day for those who dream & day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true. – Jack Kerouac
I wish your night is as beautiful as our love story. I love you, my dear!
I know it has been a tiresome day for you. Relax and start a fresh day tomorrow. Have a lovely night and sweet dreams my angel
It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm up…
Night-time brings you dreams of castles in the air and big goals for the future. Rest tonight and allow dreams of the future to wash over your mind.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. – Sarah Williams
The easiest part was getting to know you. The hardest part was being away from you. The best part is when we’re together.
14,000 people are having sex right now. 25,000 are kissing. 50,000 are hugging. And you… Well, you’re reading this. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. – Anonymous
Goodnight My Love! Appear in my dreams, because even when I sleep I need your company.
May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air.
In Everything Give Thanks …. For the sweet sleep which comes with night, for the returning morning’s light
There are 7 billion people in the world and you’re still the only one I want to hear from before I go to bed.
Good night my darling and sleep tight because you will have a hard day tomorrow. Remember that I am always with you, even if I am not with you physically, but in the mind permanently. Sweet dreams my love.
God’s guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest… It doesn’t show everything at once… But gives enough light for the next step to be safe. Goodnight!
People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Rob Siltanen
Night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true. So its good to sleep now and see the dreams. Good Night!
As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Good night.
Early sleep and early wake up gives health and makes you grow.
The painful nightmares of losing you give me a sleepless night. But it’s all worth it when you hug me and call me yours. Gd Nt.
Always end the day, with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
Night is always darker before the dawn and life are the same, the hard times will pass, everything will get better and the sun will shine brighter than ever. – Ernest Hemingway
I don’t mind having even the scariest nightmares, as long as I am woken up by you. Good night.
Today you must come in your dream, The rest will be in the dream. It is the night, the banks of the river,
All I wish a sheet of clouds for your bed and bright crystals for the stars. While you sleep, may the angels play sweet songs that bring you bright dreams? – Anonymous
Listen to the night sky, the Mockingbird always sings you my lullaby. – Jmemo
I am so grateful for the time that I can spend with you. You are the best girlfriend ever. I love you. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.
Darkness of Night cannot Destroy your Light of Wisdom. If it is possible for me to come with this message and hug you all through the night but all the same am wishing you sweet dreams and good night.
As you fall asleep, I want you to remember what a good person you are. Remember that I admire you and care for you. Sweet dreams!
As the moonlight dims and the world goes quite, give yourself some rest. Here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are. – Unknown
She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.
Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest. – Unknown
Grace is something you can never get but can only be given. There’s no way to earn it or deserve it or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks. A good night’s sleep is grace and so are good dreams. Most tears are graceful. The smell of rain is grace. Somebody loving you is grace. – Frederick Buechner
Let go of every trouble that bothers your heart and mind tonight, and you shall wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow. Good night.
I’ve always feared the nightmares that will come crawling out from under my bed, but when you came into my life, I’ve had nothing but the sweetest dreams every night.
Nighttime is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. – Catherine O’Hara
Music Is Love, Love Is Music, Music Is Life, And I Love My Life. Thank You And Good Night.
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. Good Night.
Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. – Haruki Murakami
It doesn’t matter the darkness of the sky or the silence of the moon, because I will always love you. Goodnight My Love!
Although I love the stars that dot the night sky, I love the stars in your eyes even more. While I sleep, I will think about my favorite stars and wait to be with you again.
Dear, it’s going to be naughty tonight. Because I’ll come over, sneak into your sleep, cuddle you in your dreams, hug you so tight, and kiss you goodnight. – Anonymous
I can’t sleep because whenever I think of you my heart races at a million miles an hour.
I feel like I am drowning every single day and your kisses are my life-saving gasps of air. I love you.
I wish I could be right next to you, to hold you tight and feel your warmth. Goodnight my angel.
Sleep at night with just as much dedication, as you give to your work at daytime. Because your work makes you financially strong, and a good sleep keeps your health well. There is no wealth better than health. Good night!
Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty and light the universe with their admonishing smile. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I say you good night that doesn’t mean I’m saying you good night. I just a gap between day and night and in morning I’ll be with you. Good Night sweetheart.
They say that God sprinkles his blessings upon the earth every day and I think I have caught one it’s you! Wishing you a good night and I love you.
If it comes back, I think that Friday night is not a good night to be on. – Amber Tamblyn
The day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dream, through the night, Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.
Finally, the night has come and it is the time when I’m lying on the bed and missing you and just praying for your sweet dreams. Good night beautiful.
I do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other. – Harvey Fierstein
My nights are longer than my days since I am not by your side. But it’s all worth it, dreaming about you wakes me up with a smile mile wide… Good night.
Tonight, I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you.
We come with nothing and go with nothing. But one great thing we achieve is a little remembrance in someone´s mind & small place in someone´s heart. Good night!
If u ever feel lonely, look to the sky… Always know that I’m somewhere beneath that sky wishing all the best for you. Good night… sweet dreams!
In this sweet night before sweet sleep.From dear to my loved ones in the hope of dreams. good night
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. – Catherine Drinker Bowen
One man’s bad day is another man’s good night. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I sleep with the hope that when I wake up in the morning, You will be in my Reality. I love you. Good night.
The Best thing about Night is it Gives you Strength for next Day.
The brightest thing in this world are those your two eyes, when you look at me it make me feel more in love for your eyes lie the weakness of my heart. good night my love.
Wishing you sweet dreams and sending you a kiss…I love you so much…
The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.
The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night. – Haruki Murakami
Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. – Friedrich Nietzsche
Everything’s gonna be alright tomorrow. Sleep well and have a restful night.
I want to be the blanket that will keep you warm, the teddy bear that stands guard over your dreams and the softest breeze that whispers the sweetest dreams into your ears. Good night, love.
Night’s deepest gloom is but a calm; that soothes the weary mind: The labored days restoring balm; the comfort of mankind. – Leigh Hunt
Every Night Is Like A Refresh Button In Our Life. We Sleep In The Night And Refresh Yourself.
Forget about your troubles and let the sweetness of this lovely night lull you to blissful sleep. Tomorrow is a new beginning. Good night.
Our love is so great that I feel your presence even on beautiful moonlit nights. Sweet dreams, honey!
Disappointment always arrives before hope and the darkness of night comes before the dawn. Don’t lose hope now because things will brighter with the new day.
We sat in the car & the night dropped down until the only sounds were the crickets & the dance of our voices & for a moment the world became small enough to roll back & forth between us. ― Brian Andreas
I know I will have sweet dreams tonight, my only nightmares are when you are away from me.
I know that you are the one, because when we apart, I feel incomplete. Good night
I have worked out for many years to get a muscular body. I have worked hard for many years to buy a sports car. But none of these things stroke my ego as much as having a beautiful woman like you in my arms. I love you, my dear wife.
Since you came into my life, I have had nothing but the sweetest dreams of you. Dreams about our future together, good night my angel!
Take a breath and gaze up at the stars. See the two brightest stars? Those are my eyes twinkling back at you.
The world rests in the night. Trees, mountains, fields, and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb- time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night. – John O’Donohue
I never want to be apart from you even I do not want to pass my single day without you. I love you so much and wish you good night only just to say that I love you.
Before you fall asleep every day, say something positive to yourself. – Enid Bagnold
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.
Love is one of the simplest feelings. All I dream about is capturing your heart each night. You already have my heart.
Sweet dreams, good night, may your tomorrow be so bright. – Kate Summers
I feel like the luckiest guy/girl in the world to have you. Goodnight.
When we are apart in sleep, the dream of you keeps me company. So for you, I leave this persisting message: even in the darkest night, the light of your love shows me the way. Good night my sweetheart.
Night falls. Or has fallen. Why is it that night falls, instead of rising, like the dawn? Yet if you look east, at sunset, you can see night rising, not falling; darkness lifting into the sky, up from the horizon, like a black sun behind cloud cover. Like smoke from an unseen fire, a line of fire just below the horizon, brushfire or a burning city. Maybe night falls because it’s heavy, a thick curtain pulled up over the eyes. – Margaret Atwood
No matter how far you are, you are always in my thoughts… Good night.
You are my everything. Good night, my love.
Hey there, just dropped by to say hello. Hope that you had a wonderful day! Good Night!
The moon and the stars have arrived just to wish you a good night. Let the moonlight guide your dreams as you pass the night away.
My life with you is an eternal fairy tale, it is a holiday, that will never end, with you I forgot about frustration and longing. Thank you for what is in my life, sweet dreams.
good night” I’ll bother you again in the morning if I don’t bother Understand that I am sleeping now.
The sea will grant each man new hope, and sleep will bring dreams of home. – Christopher Columbus
The time between good night to good morning, all poetries are mentioned by her with his love and their good memories. – Vaishal Sheth
May the stars bring you closer to my love and may the moons show you of our special you are to me. Good night.
Age is not Just a Number, it is a Signal that your Life is continuously moving forward, So you should also.
I always want to be with you no matter what but time shall tell and we will be together . I adore so much and good night.
Thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin…
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you my friend lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.
Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you. – Unknown
The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God! – Fyodor Dostoevsky
As you go to bed tonight, sleep with the knowledge that God sees your plights and hears your cries, and in due time will grant you the desires of your heart. Good night.
Rest your weary soul and whisper a quiet prayer of hope. Lay down your worries into God’s Hands and trust in His promise of a brighter tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
No sight is more provocative of awe than is the night sky. – Llewelyn Powys
When I Say Good Night To You, I Feel Hurt And Sore Because It Makes Me Miss You All The More, Good Night.
Lay your head down and go to sleep. Think good thoughts and begin to dream.
How good it is to go to sleep thinking about who you love. Good night. Sleep with the angels!
Each hour is crawling by like years. I cannot wait to be in your arms yet again.
The night still bold The cold singing by The crickets on their turbo Ushering in a celestial night in a beautiful robe For tonight he will wander into a glorious quest of the night As he lay down his head, will the Angels guard him Good night and sweet dreams ― Perpetua Ukakogu
I had a wonderful time with you tonight, and I can’t wait to see you again.
The day is busy enough to keep me occupied. In the quiet of the night, I begin to really miss you.
A sweet good night message after a fight may not wash away my unworthiness in your eyes. But it will make you believe that spending our lives together is life’s best prize. Sorry and good night.
When you lay to sleep I want you to know my heart beats for you, sweet dreams my love.
Life without sleeping does not exist, a day without night is not the blessing, and this is your time to enjoy God’s nature inside of you with your eyes closed.
Take a look out your window now. Although we may be apart at the moment, we can both gaze up at the same moon.
Everything was an adventure, at night, when you were where you shouldn’t be, even if it was somewhere you could go perfectly well in daylight, and it was then only ordinary.
I want to be a warrior who can fight with all your nightmares and a messenger who send you only the sweet dreams. Good night my love.
Life always offers you a second chance. is called tomorrow. – Dylan Thomas
Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor.
I don’t dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.
I hope every night and morning is dedicated to us talking.
I wonder how well you sleep at night, and what kind of dreams you have. I wish I could step into them as you step into mine. Goodnight my beautiful.
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. – Edgar Allan Poe
There’s nothing good about a good night when it means goodbye.
No matter how bad the nightmares were if you wake me up from them. Good Night.
It’s time to save your energy and pump up your strength for the next day. Have a good night sleep! Good night!!!
I want to tell you so much before the bedtime, to share my feelings and emotions, but words are not enough to describe the whole range of my feelings for you, so I’ll just tell you that I love you and I wish you a good night
Fear of sugar has increased so much… I have not only stop eating sweet food…but has also stopped speaking sweet words… good night
Night is a time of rigor, but also of mercy. – Isaac Bashevis Singer
You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. – Navajo Proverb
I maybe Don’t Win the Game, but I can Change the Game Definitely. Good Night.
I just want to wish for one thing for all your dreams to come true, because all that I want is for you to be happy. I can’t stop loving you my queen good night.
Thinking of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Good night. Sweet dreams…
All I wish is that the nights when we are together would never end. When we are apart, I cannot bear it. Good night, my love.
The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away. – Unknown
There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. – Homer
How is that you are always in my mind when I get up when I go to bed and all the time in between? Good night my love!
Let not the darkness of the night seep inside your bright soul and have faith in the light of the rising sun. For now, close your eyes and let sleep brush away all your weariness. Good night.
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. – Bernard Williams
I Promise To Be The Warrior Who Fights All Your Nightmares And The Messenger Who Brings All Your Sweet Dreams.
As night falls upon the land it is time to sleep again with the moon, I am here to wish you good night.
If you wake up tonight and don’t know where you are, don’t worry because it’s in my dreams. Goodnight!
Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.
My wish might have disturbed you while you were on the verge of falling asleep but I cannot the perfect person in my life to fall asleep without the warm good night wish that I have to say. May your life be filled with everything that you ever wished for. Goodnight honey.
I can feel you whisper in my ear as I drift off and I hope you can feel my love as you sleep tonight.
One day, I wish my dream would come true and I would wake up next to you. Till then, good night.
My mornings are about thinking about how soon the afternoon will arrive. My afternoons are about waiting for evenings to come. My evenings are about running a countdown until the night – all to take a beautiful wife like you in my arms and feeling the warmth of true love. Good night.
This is the night I sing for you, I want to show you my affection and what you mean to me. Close your eyes and you will hear my song in your sleep. Good night my sweet princess.
Your bed is ready to give you a hug, you should be ready to have a rest, and say goodbye to all the stress. Good night
The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.
That was the only decision there was once upon a time: what to do with the night. – Harry Crews
How could I fall asleep without saying good night to the girl who is very special to me and made all troubles out of my life? Thank you, my love, for the good night.
Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep. -Albert Camus
Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night. – St. Jerome
All I wish that I could be there to say good night instead of sending you this message.
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. – Psalm
I’m so thankful to have someone so caring as you. Have a goodnight.
Good night – I love my life because it gave me you. I love you because you are my life.
The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. I couldn’t fall asleep unless I told you how much I miss you – love you and goodnight!
Night is the time to analyze your mistakes and hope for a better tomorrow. Have a good night!
Even thousand times I won’t get tired of talking about my feelings for you, about my devotion and eternal allegiance. Good night, honey.
A person cannot spoil anything by being jealous of someone, but he loses his sleep and happiness. good night
It is better to sleep on things beforehand than lie awake about them afterward. – Baltasar Gracian
Sleep is the best meditation. – Dalai Lama
Saying you Good Night is not my choice, it’s my Need.
I was very happy today with you, you made my day right now I just feel like taking you to wonderland but I want you to have a lovely night rest so tomorrow would be much more excited. I love you so much and good night.
Whenever you have a dream inside your heart, never let it go because dreams are the tiny seeds from which a beautiful tomorrow grows. Have a wonderful dream tonight.
Sleep, my Bella, dream happy dreams, you are the only one who has ever touched my heart, it will forever be yours. – Edward Cullen
There may be a billion yesterdays and a trillion tomorrows, but there is only ever one today. I would never let one day pass without letting you know that I am thinking of you. – Unknown
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. – Kurt Vonnegut
I really wanted to find the perfect way to wish you a good night, but I couldn’t, so…good night!
The night is finally here with the moon and the stars beckoning you to sleep. Dance in the bright moonlight, wish on a shooting star and let the beauty of the night lay you to bed. Sweet dreams.
Night is the mother of thoughts. – John Florio
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet. Good night.
I was looking at the sky and I started giving each star a reason why I want you so much. Missing stars! I love you!
Even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream would never do. I’d still miss you babe and I don’t wanna miss a thing.
Another day of my life is about to end, but I am not sad or worried about it all, because I ended up being with you. The one and constant in my life, who is always there for me no matter what. My dear love, you deserve all the happiness in the world. Good night and sweet dreams babe.
Why would I go to sleep when I can stay up and talk to you all night?
No matter how far you are always in my thoughts! Good night.
Most people end their day with their heads rested in the warmth of their pillows. I end my day with my head rested in the warmth of my wife’s embrace. Good night my wife.
You are my desire, my dream come true. My nights are always sweet when you the center of my thoughts and my dreams.
The sun is upset now, but the moon dances in joy. Although the sun is depressed at seeing you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.
The one thing you shouldn’t be left alone with at night is your own thoughts. They eat you alive until the next morning.
Night is certainly more novel and less profane than day. – Henry David Thoreau
A lonely night is more profound then lonesome nights. ― Santosh Kalwar
This night will be sweet, I sure can see. Because I just ended it with sweet words of love from you. Good night my jewel.
Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very much.
Sleep is the best time to repair, but it’s hard to get a good night’s rest when we don’t dial the inner chatter down. Kris Carr
The only rule in our relationship should be that we say goodnight every night.
I just can’t describe how I feel. With my loneliness, I just can’t deal. All I can think of is meeting you. This intense despair I hope you can feel too. Good night.
U are the sweetest thing, and I love U. Good Night. Sweet Dreams.
Soft pillows and warm sheets, mystical dreams and the cozy cuddles. May your dreams & fantasies be full of amazing thoughts. Good night!
Blue colors on paintings by Monet pale in comparison with the depth and brightness of your eyes. I love you more than once I could imagine. Good night, my beloved.
Night is quiet, cold air is blowing, someone’s smile is blossoming in your memory, you get lost in their dream world, close your eyes and sleep comfortably… Good night !!!
You can’t change everything in one night, but one night can change everything. – John Updike
Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep. – Mahatma Gandhi
Night Becomes as Beautiful as Day when you are with me. Good night
No one can give me the kind of joy you give to me, even if million people give me a million joy it won’t be like yours. I adore you, my angel, good night.
Do not let anyone ever dull your sparkle. Good night!
The longest way must have it’s close – the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning. – Harriet Beecher Stowe
Rose, thanks for the lovely prayer. Now shut up and get into bed. — Dorothy Zbornak
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight. – Oscar Wilde
I dream of the day when each night will end with good night and not goodbye. That day will come soon.
End the day with beautiful thoughts, then you will wake up with the most wonderful smile. Good night.
After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. After every storm, there comes clear, open skies. – Samuel Rutherford
The Brightest Stars In My Life Are Not Planetary Objects; They Are Friends Like You Who Shine Through Night And Day. Good Night.
Goodnight, goodnight. The time has come to close your eyes. Everything needs rest to be their best. Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye and a shake of a dog’s tail.
For a dreamer like my love, the night is the best time to expand your horizons. Wishing you good dreams and a sound night’s rest.
Words can’t express how much I miss you tonight. I miss the warmth of your body next to me. I miss your beautiful smile. I miss holding you. If I had one wish, it would be to have you lying next to me right now. I really do miss you like crazy. Good night, sweetheart, and know that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to be with you tonight. I love you.
Sleep tight and good night as I wish you the best of dreams with all of my might.
Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Good night, my love.
With every passing day, my hopes become brighter, ambitions become stronger, love becomes deeper and the heart grows fonder – only for you. Good night and sweet dreams.
Beautiful, the sun has gone to rest; the moon and the stars are in charge. They are shining brighter tonight. Goodnight beautiful.
Thank God for everything good that has happened during the day and wish everyone else a good night. Afterward, take a deep breath and sleep tight while dreaming of me. Sweet dreams.
The sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.
Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light, and listen to the music of the night… Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams, purge your thoughts of the life you knew before. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and live, as you never lived before! – Charles Hart
When you are apart from me when I’m in sleep then your dreams keep me bind with you. I love you.. good night.
Don’t lose hope. You will never know what tomorrow will bring. Good night.
May God watch and guard you through the night and may you wake up well in the morning light. Good night.
Life is full of new beginnings, and a new day tomorrow brings, sleep well. – Catherine Pulsifer
Good night. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake. – Michael Faudet
Good-night dear friend! I say good-night to thee. Across the moonbeams, tremulous and white, bridging all space between us! – Hester A. Benedict
I know what you are the one because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Goodnight.
Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘t-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night’. – Rebecca Romijn
I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced. – Joe Bastianich
A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night. – Virginia Woolf
Twinkling stars dropping eyes all are saying to you a good night.
I’m much tired and sleepy now, but I can’t sleep without kiss you hug you, my wife. Good Night.
I bet you are beautiful when you are sleeping. Lets them know you are thinking of them.
Most love stories are nocturnal. That’s what makes them so fascinating. – Raymond Federman
My day won’t certainly be over for I have something left to do. I just couldn’t sleep yet without saying I love you. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.
I wish moon always be full & bright and U always be cool & right. Whenever U go to switch off the light, Remember that I’m wishing U …Good Night
I’m being kidnaped by a comforter, sheet and need to call the police for I will be released by morning. Good night.
They say the night-time creaks of old houses are from age but I prefer thinking they’re just audible signs of your love for me.
I am so much in love with my sweetheart and while the moon shines through the window upon your face, it radiates your sleeping face with so much beauty that it brings shame upon the stars in the sky. Goodnight and have peaceful dreams. Good night honey, I love you.
Where you are, that’s where I want to be, and through your eyes all the things I want to see, and in the night you are my dream, you’re everything to me.
Well, it is the end of the day, thank you Lord I have run out of gas, I want to say your goodnight till morning light.
Goodnight My Love, For You May Be Away From Me Now, But You Will Be In My Heart Forever.
Yet, behind the night, Waits for the great unborn, somewhere afar, Some white tremendous daybreak. – Rupert Brooke
The act of true love is letting your special someone sleep with a contented and happy heart, no doubts or questions haunting the mind, just the assurance that no matter in the morning or night, you will always be there.
Sleep, rest of things, O pleasing Deity,
Peace of the soul, which cares dost crucify,
Weary bodies refresh and mollify. – Ovid
Don’t fight with the pillow, but lay down your head and kick every worriment out of the bed. – Edmund Vance Cooke
Under tonight’s moon, I want to declare my great love. And say good night to you. I promise you it will always be better.
Nights are the time of the day when everything seems to remind you of him and the love you once shared.
I was called by the lord of dreams, that all the nightmares have been arrested and you can now sleep without having any hold-up. Good night and sweet dreams my love.
Our chapter of Today may get ended but the writer inside us will live forever!! Have a peaceful night
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, What more is there to say than goodnight? We’ve had a lot of fun and it’s time to toodle-oo. Au revoir, auf Wiedersehen and Inka, dinks doo. Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight. – Jimmy Durante
Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night. – Virginia Woolf
Dood night, and hush, my little baby, sleep until the morning comes brightly…. For tomorrow at dawn, the sun will wake you. – Polish Lullaby
Prayers should be the key in the morning and the lock at night.
The night is to see dreams and the next day is to make them come alive. May you dream big and wake up with determination to achieve them all. – Unknown
I will fly on a like a superhero just to snuggle and be in your arms you tonight. I love you, sweet dreams. – Unknown
Stars can’t shine without darkness. – Ester Dean
Am I the only one who thinks good morning and goodnight texts can change your mood & actually make you feel important?
My dear wife, I know that you can’t fall asleep, before I say you good night, so I’m here saying you good night with a tight hug.
I’d love nothing more than to fall asleep with you. Lets them know you want to be with them.
Night is the most desirable time for introspection and unbiased thoughts. All the living beings do surrender to the power of night. A night with full moon and stars is picturesque and awesome. Night is undoubtedly as splendid as day. Without night the nature could, perhaps, be reduced itself from its magnificence and charm. After all, the term Night is also wonderful! – Chandrababu V.S.
It is easy to survive the night for me because when I close my eyes, I see your beautiful face, all I want is to hold you tight in my arms. Good night.
Good Night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.
We did all kinds of things today, fueled by impulsive energies. Now I’m thinking over that joy and can’t sleep. Love you maddening man!
As I fall asleep to the sound of the crickets chirping outside of my window, the excitement is building within me to hear the birds singing in the morning. It’s then that I’ll know we’re mere moments from being together again. Sweet dreams.
While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal come true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.
So it is that time again, time to leave WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. So I say “Goodnight, but do not worry I’ll be back soon! Till then sleep tight.
A Perfect World Is One Where You Are The Last Thing I See Each Night And The First Thing I Notice Each Morning.
There is nothing more beautiful in this world than your face by the moonlight and your sweet kisses each and every night. Sweet dreams, my wife.
Sleep tight, my dear love. I love you like deserts love rain. –
Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made. ― Tyler Kent
You must have had a long day. Don’t forget the hardships of today will reap a better future. Sweet Dreams!
So tonight I cried myself to sleep once more just like before when you were away.
Just as I thought I have you all to myself today, I still feel some part of me is missing right now. I love you but to make me more and more in love, I want to be your pillow tonight. Thank you for being there for me, good night.
I started believing in miracles when you entered in my Life!! Good Night
I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night. – Liam Gallagher
Good-morn – good-night – which is best? God grant someday that I may find both true: good-morn to joy begun, good-night to sorrows left behind.
Read me a story then tuck me in tight. Tell me you love me and kiss me goodnight.
Take a moment to appreciate yourself warrior. You got through the day without fears or insecurities. You can conquer the world yet again tomorrow. Sweet dreams. – Unknown
Never fear shadows. they simply mean there is some light nearby. – Dr. Seuss
Remembering those days which were so right, remittances & nostalgic visions come insight. Dreams of u I shall dream tonite. Yes, my love a very good night…
I am listening to this song as I am falling asleep and it made me think of you. This is just another way to let them know you are thinking about them in a sweet way.
Try to be a whole person. Not just a night person, or a day person. Be the kind of person who can live in both. – Regina Doman
Days and nights will come and go, but my love for you will forever grow. Don’t worry about the future or the past, because my love for you will forever last. Good night.
It’s the little things in life like a sweet message goodnight that make us just work.
Your bed just called me. It said that it wanted you and me to join it in dreamland. Let’s get moving and answer the call.
You are the only reason I got to sleep every night, I love you very much and also your scary faces that haunt my dreams. Good Night my dear ghost! Stop haunting and go to sleep.
Sleep Well, Sleep Tight, As I Wish You A Good Night Filled With Love And Anticipation To Seeing You Again Tomorrow.
You are my home and my sweet refuge. Even though the day has been too trying, I have you to rest my troubles with. I have your warm kisses to lift me up and give strength to fight another day. Good night and the sweetest dreams, my love.
Have a wonderful night my love. May your dreams be sweet, your pillow be soft, your thoughts be filled with love, and your blankets be wonderfully warm. –
You can be inspired to make a better tomorrow when you decide to make a better night today. Goodnight.
It is the night that brings me dreams of setting big goals and getting there.
My love, I don’t think this sleep will be possible without me wishing you good night and have a wonderful night rest my beauty queen.
When two sweet souls meet together they create unforgettable historic moments in their life!! Sweet Dreams
For from us the day takes flight, but, like a glowing torch in heaven, to us, the grace of God is given: It tends and guards till morning light – Good night!
Good night my dearest love and have pleasant dreams. Here’s to the hope that tomorrow will be as sunny and bright as you are.
Every night, under the same sky and stars, probably since the emergence of humankind, people around the world have been wishing one another a good night. – Efrat Shoham
I hope that you have a good night and that you get to rest as long as you can.
Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.
The success of tomorrow depends on how well you rest tonight. I want you to sleep and rest, so that our day may be cheerful tomorrow. May the angels watch over you. Sweet dreams. – Unknown
One day I wish my dream would come true and I’d wake up next to you. Till then Good Night!
Fear can keep us up all night long but faith makes one fine pillow. – Matthew
His good morning calls… Her goodnight messages… Wishing to take care while disconnecting call They miss each other after all Video chats when misses more His happiness Her smile From the core Distance through miles connected by hearts.
I love you more than anything else in the world, and I hope you have sweet dreams. Another sweet way of saying goodnight while letting your partner know you love them a lot.
Night is purer than a day; it is better for thinking, loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. – Elie Wiesel
Many times dreams are an extension of your thoughts, so as you sleep may your dreams be filled with all the good things that you think and hope for. Have a lovely night.
In the morning, I can’t wait to get out of bed to seize the world for you. At night, I can’t wait to get into bed to find my world in you. Good night love.
I long to be near your sweet evening embrace as I think about lying next to you while you dream tender dreams.
The below infographic provides a detailed guide to the habits and routines of your day and night to have a more fulfilling life. Making a night before list will help to prepare you for the tasks of tomorrow. Make sure to take some time to do something for yourself as well.
Do you know the difference between horror and beautiful night? A beautiful night is when you hug your teddy bear and sleep but horror is when it hugs you back! Sweet Dreams Darling! Have a wonderful sleep.
When you bid the day goodbye with beautiful and bright thoughts, it will welcome you with a warm and inspiring embrace. Lovely night.
The good thing about falling asleep is that I can finally see you again. Sweet dreams my love. – Unknown
A really good night is when neighbors are calm and their dog is not barking all night long. I wish that nothing could interrupt your precious sleep until the morning sun shows up. Good night! – Unknown
You’re my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.
There is something about the night that makes you feel like you can do anything that you ever wanted.
Don’t want you to be down with things that don’t matter all, you know I will do anything for you my love. So go to sleep and forget your worries I will take care of it for you because tomorrow is another day. Good night my angel.
Imagining life without you is enough for me to get sad!! Good Night
Good-night, all cares and sorrows! Welcome, my boatlike bed!
None or many my to-morrows, this one night is overhead! – Harper’s Bazar
I wish I was the sheet on your bed – that way I could feel you on me. Missing you so much this night!
Lay all upsets at God’s feet, and let Him soothe your troubled mind. This very night discovers the memory of God glows brightly within you. Sweet dreams of Awakening. – Amy Torres
When you cannot sleep at night, have you ever thought maybe it’s God saying “We need to talk and you now have time?
Keep on telling yourself that tomorrow will be a whole new day to look forward to. – Unknown
Tomorrow is a new day and a new start to make things the best they can be! Let someone know what they mean to you! Goodnight! – Unknown
During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. But at night, I miss you. Good night my love!
Anything seems possible at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep. – David Almond
Beautiful in the morning, pretty at noon and stunning at night, no wonder I can’t let you out of my sight. Good night.
I know today was a hard day for you, but I want you to know before you sleep that I deeply care about you.
The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more. Good night my dear friend. Have a wonderful sleep.
You Are The Reason I Fall Asleep With A Smile On My Face. As You Drift Off Tonight, May You Smile Thinking Of Me Too.
Forget the pains of today. Carry with you only the beautiful lessons learned. Tomorrow is another chance to set things right. But for now, let your soul rest with your sweetest dreams. Good night.
O bed! O bed! delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head. – Thomas Hood
The day has passed, it is already the night, the angels shall come and will visit you, bringing the sweetest dreams. – Unknown
Goodnight, my prince, my love, my everything. Sleep well and dream of your princess.
Maybe tomorrow things will be a whole lot better so I might as well just get some sleep for tonight.
When I think of all the possibilities that made me who I am today, I see a big reason why I should look up to God and say thank you. love you are the reason behind all my joy, I love you, my dear. Good night.
You always attack my Lips and I love to get attacked by you like this way!! Goodnight Babes
As I have discovered, what you feed your mind in the day will affect your quality of sleep at night. – Yvonne Haughton
If I give you my heart, will you promise not to break it? Wishing you were here.
Good night, sleep tight, awake full of joy at the morning light. – Theodore Higgingsworth
A well-spent day brings happy sleep. — Leonardo da Vinci
People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. -Leo J. Burke
I want to wake up to your good morning texts, I want to sleep for your good night calls. I want to be the one to catch you in all your falls. I want a guy who is man enough to be my pillow, my teddy, and my love. Not to do all this out of obligation, but to do them to show his affection. I want to be loved, feel loved. Every girl deserves the best. Don’t you agree?
I am so excited just thinking about you that I’m having trouble sleeping. Let your significant other knows just how strongly you feel about them.
The night does not show things, it suggests them. It disturbes and surprises us with its strangeness. It liberates forces within us which are dominated by our reason during the daytime. – Brassaï
I wish for you all the good things in life and even as you sleep may your dreams be rich indeed. May you have a pleasant night, good night dear friend.
When the sunrises, when the sunsets you make me realize my life is the best ever. Good night, babe.
While longer nights may leave most hearts listless, the dreams of you are a good substitute.
I would not take any selfies for the next 12 hours… not because it’ll be dark but because they’ll be without friends like you. Wishing you a lovely night my dear friend. Sweet dreams.
As I Wish You Good Night, I Want You To Know That You Are The Last Thing On My Mind Before I Drift Off To My Wonderland.
Forgive yourself today’s failures. You have another chance called tomorrow to try again and succeed! Replenish that courage and strength under the sweet smile of the moonlight and twinkling stars. Go to sleep and wake up with a stronger heart. Good night.
All that matters is this moment and I would never allow a single day to end without sending you my love and wishing you sweet dreams. – Unknown
I realize that the sun has set, I understand that you are tired, but I can‘t understand how could you fall asleep if you haven‘t wished good night for somebody. Sleep well. – Unknown
I’ll go miles to kiss your forehead and kiss your beautiful lips and also to whisper a very goodnight in your ears. Goodnight my love!
Here is a good night hug from me to you in the hopes that you will feel warmer.
I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart so long if you are in my dreams and I am in your dreams, you see we can’t be far apart from each other so take care of me and I will take care of you. good night and sweet dream from me to you.
I am not promising for breaking stars from the sky but I can create our own Galaxy on Earth!! Love you Bae
Tonight I’m going to sleep earlier because I want to see you in my dream very early. Good Night.
As you lay down to sleep, focus your thoughts on the good of the day. Tomorrow is another day to start afresh. – Catherine Pulsifer
Never end your day with negativity, it will just give you a strange nightmare. – Unknown
The perfect day is going to bed with a dream and waking up with a purpose. – A. J. McLean
On this cold cold right, in my small small room. I look at the bright bright stars in the dark dark shy and dream of ur sweet sweet smile. Good night.
Close your eyes and relax. I will be in your dreams. A romantic and poetic way of letting your boyfriend or girlfriend know that you care for them.
Because when the night gets here, I’ll be the youngest I’ll ever be again, so I will laugh and celebrate relative youth. – Darnell Lamont Walker
The day is gone and night is here, this is the time for you to replenish your strength. So lie down, relax and just let sleep take you over. Good night to you.
If we were star gazing I wouldn’t know the difference between the stars and your eyes.
The lovely wind of the night is blowing through my hair and the soft touch of this sweet wind reminds me of your kisses. I wish you were here with me so that I did not have to miss you this much. Wishing you a lovely night my love. Sleep tight.
I Miss My Honey When I Go To Sleep But I Bid You Good Night And Let You Know That I Wouldn’t Trade Anything In The World.
It is only through a good night’s sleep that you will see the beautiful hello of tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
May the sweetest memories of our relationship help you to softly drift off into sleep. Have a good night my love. – Unknown
I wish for you a good night, a good sleep, and when you awake with energy and passion you will abound. – Kate Summers
As the clock ticks away to midnight, I just want to say that you are the prettiest and the most beautiful girl in the whole universe. I love you. Good night.
Just for tonight, allow yourself to be swept by your dreams and wake up feeling great.
The thought of me being with you is all that is making me want to sleep early so as to wake early and met up with you tomorrow, I can’t stop loving you, my heartthrob. Good night.
My dream is to have the longest journey with you instead of some moments.
Never, say dreaming is useless because life is useless if you can’t dream.
It’s time to stretch from small to tall to see the moon so bright. It lights our way and seems to say, “God bless you and good night. – Hannah C. Hall
Forgive everyone before you go to sleep – goodnight. – Asad Meah
Not dreams but night changes, not destiny but path changes, always keep your hopes alive, luck may or may not change, but time definitely changes.
Relationships end because once they have you, they stop doing the things that it took to get you in the first place.
Read More: Good evening quotes
You are in my heart tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sweet dreams. An excellent way of expressing how strongly you feel for them.
I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you before I pass out. This is a classic goodnight text that is both cute and sweet.
By getting enough sleep you will be able to face tomorrow with confidence and a bright smile. May you have a good night tonight and always.
Beautiful, you are the queen of my heart, am filled with your thoughts all day. Good night.
Spent all day reading a dictionary and I still can’t find the words to describe how much I
love you.
Do not waste thinking about your past because you cannot change it, Do not waste time while planning about your future as the future is uncertain, Better kill some mosquito with that time you have now. So that you can sleep better. Good Night!
Tonight’S Warm Feelings Won’T Be Because You Snuggled Up But Rather From The Hugs Enclosed With This Text…And Maybe Some Latent Radiation In Our Phones.
Each night, I wish for the fairies to dust pixie magic into dreams. Each night, I ask the stars to listen closely to your wishes and to shine your path with radiance towards them. Each night, I whisper a prayer to God to protect and keep you safe day and night. Sweet dreams.
The day is over, it’s time for rest. Sleep well my dear you gave it your best. Tomorrow comes, oh so soon, close your eyes and awake before noon. –
When I go to bed and cannot sleep, I don’t waste time by counting sheep; I count all my blessings, one by one. – Eldred Herbert
Amidst the beautiful night, and the very pleasant sight, I wish you were with me. I wish I could see your pretty face tonight. I wish you a lovely night!
While you sleep tonight, you will see that there is much more to the night than you know about.
Do you ever imagine how fulfilled I used to feel whenever I want to go to bed that you are mine and I am all yours, my angel? Good night and sweet dreams.
I love your silly things and cute acts and they make you real as who you are!! Good Night
Good-night Sweetheart! It can’t be ten, I know;
That clock had better “go a little slow! – Mary E. Day
End the day with gratitude. There is someone, somewhere that has less than you. — ZIG ZIGLAR
Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours. – Roy Orbison
Hope u have a beautiful night and wake up to a wonderful day! Good night!
There is nobody I’d rather be with than you right now. A good way of letting the other person know that you’re thinking about them.
Dear sleep, I know we had problems when I was younger but I love you now.
When I look at the sky at night, I can only see one star, you are my love. Good night.
I hope this night works as a recycler, converting your fear, your anger, and all of your sorrow into confidence, broken barriers, and joy. Rest well.
Just thought of reminding you that that you do not have to tell Instagram or Facebook or Twitter goodnight…you can just shut up.
Today Has Been A Non-Stop, Hectic, Crazy Day, And I Wish I Had Gotten Time To See You… So I’m Thinking About You Before I Fall Asleep. Goodnight, Sleep Tight!
You have studied and worked hard enough for today. Pat your back for a job well done. It is time for you to replenish your strength for a bright new day tomorrow. Tonight, brush off all the stress away and drift softly into a cozy dream. Good night.
I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary. – Margaret Atwood
We need good quality, restful sleep to feel our best and maintain health; to renew and restore physically as well as psychologically. – Howard VanEs
If someone wishes you good night every day. You’re happier than so many people. ~Martin Freeman
Do not be sad that today has come to an end; just be happy you get another day to spend.
The moon can’t shine without the night, the candle can’t burn without the light, so tell me how I can sleep without wishing you good night my honey bunny.
A Cup of Coffee and time of yours is enough to make my Day special…goodnight
Good-night. Sleep gently to-night, and dream of the happiness which is sure to come to you.
The stars sparkle and shine as you do in my life. Have a good night’s sleep. – Unknown
At the end of the night, before you close your eyes, be content with what you’ve done and be proud of who you are. – Steve Almond
Good night rest deeply, sleep peacefully and dream sweetly your good name here.
My heart longs for yours each night. A poetic and very sweet text that will let them know you truly care about them deeply.
As you sleep your health is revitalized, your strength renewed and your mind revived. Enjoy your sleep, have pleasant dreams, and good night.
Love is the simpler feelings, I dream every night abut you I want to capture your heart… I love you.
I hope you know how great you are, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else. Miss you,
Dreams are the best part of life; if you miss sleep you missed the best part of your life. Now go to bed and catch the good dreams.
Every Day You Give Me More Reasons To Fall In Love With You – I’M Thinking Of Ways To Make You Fall More And More In Love With Me As I Fall Asleep, Dreaming Of You…
The biggest blessing in my life is going home to your warm embrace each night. Your patience and trust in me that gives me vigor unlike any other and I find overwhelming comfort in the warm meals and your tireless ability to listen to me about my day’s unfolding. Thank you, my love. Good night and sweet dreams.
Good night my dear. It saddens me that I cannot be there to kiss you good night. Until we see each other again, I wish that your bed will give you a hug and that your pillows kiss you before you fall asleep. –
Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. – Maya Angelou
If you had a lovely morning, a cool afternoon, an amazing evening, then have a wonderful night. Wish you a lovely night, good night!
You look tired and sleepy so you might as well go to your bed and start snoring away.
I wish for just for us to be together and play until the night fade away, my love you are my one in a million queen. I admire you so much. Good night my queen.
Premium things are my addiction and that’s why I have chosen you for myself.
Downward sinks the setting sun, soft the evening shadows fall; light is flying, day is dying, darkness stealeth overall, Good night.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. — Benjamin Franklin
Let the warm blanket of sleep cover you and chase away all the cold that life’s struggles and labors bring you. Enjoy your rest and have a good night.
Goodnight my love, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my love, may tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me.
I wish I were the bed you sleep in so that I could be next to you tonight and every night, touching you so softly as you snuggle up and dream.
There is no love like you and there is no girlfriend like me, forget the sleep and let’s make a party tonight.
You are the reason why I manage to get through each and every day. You are the warm blanket that tucks me to safety and the marshmallow pillow that chases the blues away. Your kisses send me gently to sleep and hold the promise of a better tomorrow.
When you count the stars before falling asleep and when you count the sheep, you can always count on me to cherish and love you forever. Sleep tight, my dear. – Unknown
To all, to each, a fair good-night, And pleasant dreams and slumbers light. – Sir Walter Scott
Friendship lasts when egos make way for beautiful memories. Good night, my friend.
Your dreams are going to come true soon so get in there and make the changes you want.
With all the sparkle in your eyes can’t be compared with the star in the sky, I love those lovely eyes of yours and those kisses that give me all the pleasure I deserve. Good night my love.
If I get an option to delete something from my Life than I will delete the moment when I was angry on you.
One of the best things you can do to help you find a good night’s rest is to develop a routine for yourself that you stick to each night. – Julie Schoen
Stars light stars bright, you are the only star I see tonight, I wish I might be there guarding your dreams tonight.
You are my dream come true; I thank God for having met you. Everyday I long to wake up next to you. Good night my love.
Let the warmth of Best Good Night Quotes wrap your loved ones in a cozy embrace in the quiet of the night. These heartfelt Best Good Night Quotes offer a comforting connection. As day turns to dreams, these simple yet powerful sayings remind us that love transcends distance, soothing hearts till dawn.